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Ceilings for cleanrooms

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Adaptable modular ceiling

The adaptable modular cleanroom ceilings OMEGA DeltaCeiling™ made by Delta2000, a company specialized in the design, production and installation of cleanrooms, is suitable for several sectors: Pharmaceutical, Biomedical, Chemical, Cosmetic and Food.

Without forgetting structural projects for hospitals.

The adaptable modular cleanroom ceilings are light-weight structures made of a flat surface placed below the actual ceiling, and they decrease the usable height of the room in question.

The OMEGA DeltaCeiling cleanroom ceiling can be installed for aesthetic purposes, or as a coating with insulating, soundproofing or fire-resistant material, and it can also be used to store one or more units in the space between the ceilings.

Modular and adaptable ceiling for cleanrooms.
(product code FC-LAM5).

Modular and adaptable ceiling for cleanrooms.
(product code FC-LAM5F).

Modular and adaptable ceiling for cleanrooms.
(product code FC-SA6).

Modular and adaptable ceiling for cleanrooms.
(product code FC-SA6F).

Modular and adaptable ceiling for cleanrooms.
(product code FC-ALLPOS).

Modular and adaptable ceiling for cleanrooms.
(product code FC-ALLPOP).

The cleanroom ceilings from the OMEGA DeltaCeiling range produces by Delta2000, are made from an omega frame, with a visible 65 mm profile in extruded anodized and/or pre-painted aluminium with infill panels for cleanrooms.

They can be designed in different ways.

All the materials used are certified according to applicable laws.

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