Delta2000 participe à l’événement MAGHREB PHARMA Expo 2024
MAGHREB PHARMA Expo réunit tous les fournisseurs d’intrants, de produits et de services pour l’industrie pharmaceutique.
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MAGHREB PHARMA Expo réunit tous les fournisseurs d’intrants, de produits et de services pour l’industrie pharmaceutique.
DELTA 2000 a le plaisir de vous informer qu’elle participera avec enthousiasme au salon PCH MEETINGS qui se tiendra à Lyon les 29 et 30 novembre prochains.
Parma – Italy Among its values, Chiesi wants to be recognized by all its interlocutors as a company that promotes and adopts transparent conduct at all levels consistent with the rules and regulations and which is inspired by the principles of social responsibility. This is why it turned to the
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., an Israeli pharmaceutical giant, is a world leader in the generic drug industry and provides high-quality patient-oriented medical solutions used by millions of patients every day. Globally, Teva is the leading manufacturer of equivalent drugs. In the field of specialized drugs, the company is engaged in
The core business of the American pharmaceutical company Hikma Pharmaceuticals Plc is the development, production and marketing of a range of both branded and non-branded generic and licensed products. He built his worldwide reputation by providing important medicines to consumers by operating the first FDA-inspected pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in the
Le “Marrakech Medical Center” est un complexe hospitalier privé situé à Marrakech. Pour son nouveau service de chirurgie, l’établissement a investi dans le système de cloisons LAMPO, conçu et personnalisé en collaboration avec AHL, une société d’ingénieurs locale qui a suivi la conception et les travaux de mise en œuvre.
The “core business” of FIS are Custom Synthesis, that is the exclusive production of intermediates, advanced intermediates and active ingredients for the pharmaceutical companies holding the patent and as such of the pharmaceutical specialty. FIS provides a number of integrated services ranging from: research & amp; development, optimization of the
© Copyright Delta2000 2017 - tous droits réservés.
© Copyright Delta2000 2017 - tous droits réservés.